Spearheading A Solar Revolution

15 Oct 2014


Plus Solar Systems Sdn Bhd is committed to creating a bright renewable energy-powered future by providing only the best solar systems and services in the market.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size="15px" line_height="19px"]The increase in environmental consciousness among the public has led to a rise in the general level of awareness and embracement of the mane aspects of green living – one of which is renewable energy. Due to the fact that Malaysia is tropical country, solar energy in particular has gained a significant amount of popularity among the local eco-friendly crowd, something that solar systems service provider Plus Solar Systems Sdn Bhd can attest to.

The company boasts a rich background in the industry thanks to its parent company Tenaga Wan Foong Sdn Bhd which incorporate in 1993 and its executive technical partners Leaf Energy Sdn Bhd which was founded in 2011, both of which have extensive experience in construction project management and large-scale solar farm projects in the Asia Pacific region, Additionally, it is financially strong due to the backing of its 20-year- old parent company.

As such, Plus Solar Systems’ team of engineers have an extensive and in-depth technical knowledge of their field which, along with the financial strength and reliability of its parent company, not only enable them to deliver quality products and services to both their industrial- and residential-based customer but make industrial pioneers as well.

The culmination of these factors as well as the company’s advanced technologies excellent customer support and practices by foreign market make Plus Solar systems a strong and trustworthy player in this growing industry, its engineering team having accomplished a 14MWp (megawatt-peak) solar project in Malaysia.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size="15px" line_height="19px"]WHY INVEST IN SOLAR STYSTEMS?

Although the argument for the embracement of renewable energy in any form is a compelling and well—rehearsed one, there are still those who remain unconvinced of the possible benefits – a problem that Plus Solar Systems, with the help of the Feed-in- Tariff (FiT) programme, hopes to rectify.

The most convincing point is of course the fact that by joining this programme, homeowners will be able to enjoy an internal return rate (IRR) of up to 15% which can result in monthly earnings of up to RM1,538 which is paid to them by their utility provider via direct bank-ins every month. This makes it a viable alternate investment option with lower risks compared other choice such as mutual funds and a source of steady profits of more than 10% return of investment (ROI) compared to fixed deposit investments.

Another major appeal of participating in the solar revolution is that it also benefits the environment. Going green is an agenda that stumps many in the execution process, but by installing a solar energy systems one can help reduce the impact of their energy consumption on Mather Nature without having to make any significant changes to their current lifestyle.

For example, installing a 5kWp (kilowatt-peak) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems is the equivalent of planting as many as 1,000 trees – a substantial contribution to the fight against global warming. Additionally, having solar panels on the roof is an energy-savvy way of cooling the house down by reducing the amount of heat that reaches the interior.

Last but not least, solar systems require minimal monitoring unlike the hassles that stick market players must deal with as well as impose low maintenance costs due to its lack of moving parts or even a motor. They are also reliable as the technology behind these systems Is globally well-established.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size="15px" line_height="19px"]ENERGY-BASED INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES

Compared to several years ago, the solar energy industry in Malaysia has steadily gained ground in terms of acceptance and awareness among both companies and individuals. A large contributor to this change in view is the FiT programme which was derived from Germany’s own programme and introduced by the Malaysian government as part of the Renewable Energy Act 2011.

Implemented under the Renewable Policy ad Action Plan with the goal of catalysing the generation of renewable energy, the programme is a mechanism by which utility providers such as Tenaga Nasional Bhd are obligated to purchase the renewable energy generated by any renewable energy developer at a premium tariff. All that is required aside from the energy generating system is a Feed-In Approval that allows is holder to sell the generated energy at FiT rate and the system becomes a form of investment for the landed property owner.

While the general perception has been that only companies have the financial capabilities to be renewable energy developers, solar systems services providers like Plus Solar Systems are making it possible for regular homeowners automatically convert their houses into micro independent power producers which, while understandably functions at a smaller capacity compared to industrial establishments, will provide them with steady source of revenue for 21 years that is completely unaffected by elements such as the ever-fluctuating stock market.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text font_size="15px" line_height="19px"]UNPARALLELED SERVICES

For those interested in solar systems, be it for green living or investment purposes, but out off by the seemingly complicated nature of the practice, Plus Solar Systems is more than ready to make the process as simple and hassle-free as possible for them. Parties keen on joining the solar energy revolution can start by asking the company for a free consultation that will cover all aspects of switching to solar such as the measurements, costs and potential output values.

Aside from designing the personalised solar system for their customers, the company will also further assist them by handling the necessary authority liaising and tariff applications, However, Plus

Solar Systems’ dedication to their consumers’ does not end there – the company offers and in-depth monitoring system accessible via the internet that will keep track of the solar system’s energy production and refine the data with fed-in meteorological data as well as notify the company’s service team should there be a need for repairs or maintenance.

While energy production is already a great boon to the homeowner, Plus Solar Systems takes it another step further by offering its customers advice on how to cut down on their energy usage and being more energy-efficient, thereby ensuring that they save money on top of making moey at the same time.

Aside from the base fact that the solar panels’ lack of movable parts translates to a low level of maintenance, each component in Plus Solar System’s products comes with a lengthy warranty and the entire system carries a third-party insurance policy that provides another level of protection to them. Last but not least, the company is offering financial solutions to those who do not have enough financial resources to afford their own solar systems in its entirety.

With the rise of environmental awareness and the increase in electricity bills, Plus Solar systems is determined to convince even more people of the wisdom in joining the solar energy revolution. As the saying goes make hat – or in this case money – while the sun shines, and there is no better time to invest in solar systems than now.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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