Interviewed by Sin Chew: “我们最大的梦想就是打造全新的新能源心态系统.“

4 Sep 2020

“我们最大的梦想就是掀起一波又一波的能源革命, 改变人类和所有建筑物的用电方式,打造全新的新能源生态系统。”

许传真坚决的语气,坚定的眼神,这8年的经历,告诉自己和员工,没有什么是不可肯能的改变。 而改变他一生的,就是大学最后一年, 以交换生兼实习生的身分,到台湾科技大学观摩的3个月。

震撼。他在台湾看见再生能源是世界的大趋势,想到长年皆夏的大马, 根本就是拥有得天独厚的优势。他下定决心,将来要在绿能这个领域耕耘,成为这个领域的领导者。

许传真在赛城多媒体大学(MMU)念电机工程系,但2007年再生能源仍然非常冷门,他曾在教授协助下,在父亲 的汽车安装了太阳能板,利用再生能源把车里的热气排解出去, 初尝成功的喜悦,然而,距离理想还很遥远。


2008年毕业后,他加人位于沙亚南的日本SHARP公司,成为这 家全球最大的太阳能板制作公司第一位海外工程师,在3年里飞 了 12个同家,协助客户开发太阳能发电厂、工程设计、采购、施工、工程管理和维修,从中学习他们的技术。

3年后政府推出电力回购制度 (Feed-in-Tariff) 时,传真有感一直等待的创业时机终于出现。不过他也清楚自己还少了一点的装备,那就是缺乏本地的人脉与技术,于是他又加人刚要进军马 来西亚市场的德国公司任销售经理,成为他们第一位海外员工,从零开始替他们设立公司、 开发市场,从工程设计、采购和安装太阳能板一手包办。这些珍贵的经验为日后开设顾问公司奠下深厚的基础,

“当我决定要什么以后,就会按部就班去做。”传真语调平稳的说,短短的句子里却嗅 到他坚定强大的信念。


“哈哈!因为不知道谁会和我一样,看到这个行业的潜能, 跟我有相同的愿景。” 想起自己创业的傻劲,他露出了腼腆的笑。


庭辉说, “ 因为一名顾客要安装太阳能板,我就把顾客介绍给传真。”没想到这一通电话就改变了两人的命运,听到传真滔滔不绝的讲述再生能源的商机,庭辉也看到这个行业充满前瞻性,认为创业就要选择正在上升的行业,也认定,是他了!3天他就火速把建议书做好,让传真看到他的诚意。

那是2011年,差不多同一时间,在澳洲从事科技程式设计工作的至康,也被传真这位吉隆坡中华独中的同窗好友不 停游说而打动了。


3 个人把老婆本和储蓄都掏出来,一 人各有2万令吉,加上一名投资者出资4万令吉,凑到1 0万令吉资本,3个年轻人终于在28岁实现了创业梦。

传真表示,那时候市场上有不少竞争者,他们先创办再生能源顾问公司Leaf Energy试水温。




“我们3个人有不同的优势,分别是能源、金融和资讯科技工业, 恰好可以互补和结合这个领域的需要。

8年过去,3 个人从一脚踢,变成150名员工的老板、获奖无数引领本地能源革命的太阳能服务供应商,2020年的财政年营业额已达到1亿5000万,市场占有率超过了 20% 。

他们创办的 Plus Solar 至今为150个商业与工业建筑安装太阳能系统,建设了 6 个不同的太阳能发电站。拥有超过35个不同领域的顾客,包括国能Petronas、Secret Recipe、 Sunway、IJM、艾康 (Elken)、KEN TTDI办公大楼等等。

36岁的黄金年龄,3个人已经是马来西亚再生能源的专才。而 Plus S0lar首席执行员许传真说,回头看看来时路,每个阶段都有不同的辛苦。创业初期每天吃2块半的斋饭、能省则省,闪电下雨时也爬上屋顶安装太阳能系统。因为年纪太轻,顾客不愿意相信他们、也没有太阳能科技记录,连招 聘工程师都很艰难。




同在赛城多媒体大学 (MMU) 升学的传真和庭辉,在大学时代都不是成绩优良的好学生。









”大马各领域对于再生能源的资讯非常缺乏, 大 学时期一直碰钉子的经验,促使他们设立 “Plus Solar Academy"冋馈社会,经常到大学分享,让学生更了解再生能源,另设面向职员的内部大学 Plus Uni-Verse,培训领导能力、沟通技巧等。



“ 最好的守业,就是不断的在创业。”那是传真深深相信的。

 Advice for Young Entrepreneurs 

(KO) 许传真:莫忘初心,无所畏惧。

(POH)傅庭辉:创业路上不断追求卓越 ,不是完美。

(RYAN) 胡至康:找到自己的热忱, 拼全力实现它。


English Translation

Interviewed by Sin Chew: "Our biggest dream is to create a brand-new new energy ecosystem."

Clean energy is not usually the first thing most business leaders would embark on, but to the founders of Plus Solar, it was a growing field with unique advantages. In 2013, with their mission to reshape the way energy is consumed and generated, one community at a time, Plus Solar was established. While Plus Solar started with providing turnkey engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) services to fulfil the current needs of the commercial and industrial market, business owners can now take advantage of our solutions integrated with AIoT solutions to generate insights for better business performance.

Recently, our founders were interviewed by Sin Chew Daily on how they started with the clean energy business in Malaysia, the evolvement of the industry and the exciting things Plus Solar has in store for business owners to improve their energy management.

Find the translated coverage by Sin Chew below:

"Our biggest dream is to set off wave after wave of energy revolution, change the way people and all buildings use electricity, and create a new energy ecosystem."

Ko Chuan Zhen’s firm tone and firm eyes, over the past 8 years, told himself and his employees that nothing is impossible to change.

What changed his life was the three months of observation at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as an exchange student and intern in his last year of university.

Shocked. He saw in Taiwan that renewable energy is a major trend in the world. When he thinks of Malaysia, which is full of sunlight, it has a unique advantage. He is determined to work in the field of green energy in the future and become a leader in this field.

Ko Chuan Zhen studied electrical engineering at Multimedia University Cyberjaya (MMU), but renewable energy was not very popular in 2007. With the assistance of a professor, he installed solar panels in his father's car to use renewable energy to remove heat from the car. He got a first taste of the joy of success, but it was still far from ideal.

He knew exactly what he wanted, but he didn't know how to start, so he decided to stand on the shoulders of giants first and learn.

After graduating in 2008, he joined Sharp Corporation of Japan in Shah Alam and became the first overseas engineer for the world’s largest solar panel manufacturing company. In three years, he flew to 12 countries and assisted customers in developing solar power plants and projects through design, purchase, construct, project management and maintenance, and learned their technology all the while.

Three years later, when the government introduced the feed-in-tariff system, the opportunity to start a business that [Chuan Zhen] had been waiting for finally appeared. However, he also knew that he still lacked some tools, that is, lack of local contacts and skills, so he joined a German company that was just about to enter the Malaysian market as a sales manager, becoming their first overseas employee and helped them from scratch. He set up a company and developed the market, from engineering design, procurement and installation of solar panels. These precious experiences laid a solid foundation for the establishment of consulting companies in the future.

"When I decide what I want, I will do it step by step." Chuan Zhen said in a steady tone, summarising his firm beliefs in a short sentence.

Three 28-year-old young men set up a renewable energy consulting company. 

Although he aimed at the huge development potential of this industry, he knew that his personal power was limited, so he started to "cast neta" everywhere, and pushed everybody. Selling renewable energy, he hoped to find like-minded entrepreneurial partners in the vast crowd.

"Haha! Because I don't know who will be like me, seeing the potential of this industry, and having the same vision as me." Thinking of his silliness in starting a business, he smiled shyly.

It was also a coincidence to meet Tyng Huei from the same university again. Tyng Huei studied telecommunications engineering, but went to work in a bank.

Tyng Huei said, “Because a customer wants to install solar panels, I will introduce the customer to the Chuan Zhen.” Unexpectedly, this call changed the fate of the two of them. Hearing Chuan Zhen talk about the business opportunities of renewable energy, Tyng Huei also saw that this industry is full of potential, thinking that when starting a business, one must choose an industry that is on the rise, and he also believes that it is him! In 3 days, he quickly completed the proposal and let Chuan Zhen see his sincerity.

It was 2011, and at about the same time, Zhi Kang, who was engaged in technology programming in Australia, was also moved by Chuan Zhen, his friend from Kuala Lumpur Chinese Independent High School's classmates who kept lobbying for the solar cause.

"I feel strongly that the best arrangement and the best time to start a business has arrived." Looking back at the scene where the blood was boiling eight years ago, Chuan Zhen’s eyes still glowed. Bringing together two good friends who didn't know each other, the three hit it off and resigned after two months of discussion.

They took out their wives’ money and savings, each with RM 20,000, plus an investor’s RM 40,000 to make up a RM 100,000 capital. The three young people finally realized their entrepreneurial dreams at the age of 28.

Chuan Zhen stated that there were many competitors in the market at that time, and they first founded Leaf Energy, a renewable energy consulting company, to test the waters.

"We would provide customers with information on solar energy and solar power plants, and select suitable technology, financing and engineering design information for them."

Technology and overseas experience have won the reputation and trust of customers. In just one year, he boldly entered the EPCC market, that is, general contracting, providing one-stop services including design, construction, testing, assistance in loans and financing.

Elken was their first project, and then they received a project from the Prime Minister's Department. After successfully winning several landmark projects, they also adopted simplified financing facilitation measures for solar projects. These projects have had an impact on the industry.

In 8 years, the annual turnover has exceeded 150 million, and the market share has exceeded 20%. 

“The three of us have different strengths, namely from the energy, finance and information technology industry. We can complement each other by combining these fields.

"In the past 8 years, three people have gone from ‘one-leg kicking’ to becoming bosses of 150 employees, winning numerous awards for solar energy services leading the local energy revolution. In the 2020 fiscal year, turnover has reached 150 million, with a market share of over 20%.

The Plus Solar they founded has so far installed solar systems in 150 commercial and industrial buildings and built 6 different solar power stations. There are more than 35 customers in different fields, including Petronas, Secret Recipe, Sunway, IJM, Elken, the KEN TTDI office building, etc.

At the golden age of 36, these three are already experts in renewable energy in Malaysia. And Ko, CEO of Plus Solar, said that “looking back at the future, each stage has different struggles. In the early days of the business, I ate RM 2.50 of vegetarian meals every day to save money. When it rained, I also climbed on the roof to install a solar system. Because they are too young, customers don't want to trust them, and they don't have solar technology records. It's very difficult even to recruit engineers.”

They spent a long time educating investors, customers, the media, universities, and to make the government confident in solar energy and to develop better policies to build the market.

Today, the average age of the company team members they lead is only 29 years old. Young employees talk about dreams, have unlimited enthusiasm for work, have a sense of mission and ambitious vision, and firmly believe they are working for a cool business.

Three young people led an excellent team, steadily irrigated with enthusiasm, and marched towards their goal of being a Fortune 500 company.

Both Chuan Zhen and Tyng Huei who were studying at Multimedia University Cyberjaya (MMU) were not good students with good grades in college.

"Our ‘university’ is focusing on activities and enjoying college life seriously." After the two people said, they burst into laughter.

Chuan Zhen from the faculty of Electrical Engineering held the Chinese Literature Association, and Tyng Huei from the faculty of Telecommunications Engineering was the chairman of the Engineering Association and the basketball school team. Both of them were prominent figures in their school.

At the last moment, they finally worked hard to reverse their less-than-ideal grades and graduated with honors.

Cooperating with international companies and participating in competitions to win prizes to help enhance the company's image

Their business opportunity coincided with a golden time when the government vigorously promoted clean energy.

"In recent years, the government has promoted many clean energy and Industry 4.0 policies, which have greatly helped the entire ecosystem. The availability of solutions and the popularity of prices have greatly promoted the development of renewable energy.

"When we first started our business, it took seven or eight years to pay back the cost of installing solar panels. Now we have paid back the cost in 3 years. The power repurchase system makes everyone feel that solar energy is a rewarding investment. "Chuan Zhen said.

Chuan Zhen believes that cooperating with international companies is very beneficial. Another secret to their rapid rise is to participate in credible competitions and be recognized, including the "Sin Chew Enterprise Model Award", the "Star" SOBA Malaysia Outstanding Entrepreneur Certification and "Ernst & Young Emerging Entrepreneur of the Year".

"For a new company, participating in these competitions can give customers confidence in themselves, understand their own part in it, and also affirm their colleagues."

Both internally and externally are willing to share training

There is a lack of information on renewable energy in various fields in Malaysia. Their experience during the university period has prompted them to set up a "Plus Solar Academy" to give back to society. They often share with universities to let students know more about renewable energy, the way they wished would be available back in university. There is also an internal university for employees, Plus Uni-Verse, for training in leadership and communication skills, etc.

They have never stopped learning and promotion, hired corporate coaches to learn corporate management and business knowledge, and went to the sea to show off without slowing down at all.

Entrepreneurship is full of challenges, but they enjoy every leap and breakthrough. In this new field with limitless possibilities, their team is constantly developing, and now they continue to raise the threshold of this industry, launching the original intelligent power management platform on the market to help customers more effectively use all the energy of the building.

"The best way to always be in business is to always innovate." That's what Chuan Zhen deeply believes.

Advice for young entrepreneurs

Ko Chuan Zhen: Don't forget your original intention and be fearless.

Poh Tyng Huei: The pursuit of excellence on the road to entrepreneurship is not perfect.

Ryan Oh Zhi Kang: Find your enthusiasm and strive to achieve it.


Original Source: Sin Chew Daily [Sin Chew Plus] – Print [31st of August 2020], Online and 星洲日报 Sin Chew Daily

Author: 报导, 林鳳璇

Photo Credit: Plus Solar & Sin Chew Daily

Disclaimer: The contents of the reposted article have been edited to represent Plus Solar’s brand and services to its truest nature.

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